Yesterday my current landlord was having a wall demolished on his property. Our land has some very large slabs of flat rock in the middle of it. We will build our foundation on top of this rather than dig it into the land. This will mean a small wall (about 1.5') that will need to be filed with rocks. We decided to take the rubble from the wall onto our land. 30 buckets and 3 car loads later, with aching limbs we managed to accomplish the small pile of rocks you see in the center of the 'after' picture. Poor BF carried most of the buckets, but I would say I carried a good 1/3 of the total, and I have the sore muscles to prove it. The pile looks bigger in the flesh!
Here is a rough sketch of the wall we are planning (this should keep the dogs/ poop off the land):
I'm off to England for the month of October, leaving BF in charge of the project. I'm hoping the next update will show quite a lot of change, but I've been counseled by my friend Fernando, that when you are building a house you have to not focus on it becoming completed, just take things little by little as there will be MANY set backs!!!
looking good Quinster....
i think fernando's advice is very good. Focus on progress not completion is the sanest way forward. its like painting the Forth bridge. you never finish doing or changing something!
Can you come over and help with my yard work. I promise you will not see a tarantula.
Tempting Rich but I've decided to pay someone else to do the heavy labor now. Diving is quite tiring enough!
Sinead - are you still pregnant?
of course! what else?
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