The first event was at 6am - Meditations and Mantras at sunrise. One of the wonderful things about living on a small Island is that you are able to see the sun set over the ocean on the West side of the Island and rise over the morning on the East side (commonly referred to as 'the other side' because the East side is not populated - no big hotels, just long sandy beaches.
I woke up at 5.30 and decided to go to the meditation. Quick face wash and out. The drive was beautiful. There is one road, the transversal, which runs across the Island and as I drove to the other side the day started to dawn. By the time I reached the beach I didn't need my lights on any more. The other side smells wonderful - the plants at the side of the beach are beautifully fragrant and this mixes with the fresh salty breeze. The day was warm, even though it was pretty windy. We all sat facing the sun, feeling its warmth on our skin, it warmed me right through, filling me with light and I prayed a little for things I would like to happen this year and just generally for my own physical and spiritual well being (mostly I do direct this type of prayer to others, but I'd already decided to devote this day to me). It feels pretty cool to sit firmly in the sand and feel the earth beneath you, with the wind stroking your skin, the sound of crashing waves filling your ears and the light of the sun filling your head and body. After the meditation we took some pictures. I had not been prepared for the photo shoot and had worn raggy old jogging pants:)

I had to leave right after the meditation for work, but carried the feeling of being full to the brim with happiness all through, my morning working at the pool, to my dive at the beach, to lunch. Lunch was at Selene's house. She has a lovely little walled garden in the back of her home, which will be a main inspiration for my garden, when the house is built. Selene had prepared a wonderful 5 course meal based on activating the chakras. All was vegetarian and complimented by wholewheat bread made by her boyfriend. The bread was a special treat as it is impossible to get good bread here. Dessert was the best - some kind of cheese cake made with summer fruits. After lunch I took a guided meditation with Lisanthi. Unfortunately this was in Spanish (well I do live in Mexico after all) and I missed most of it. She sand and played drums though and even if I did not understand much of what was going on I had a very relaxing experience.
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