Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The packing begins

Last night I decided to get a grip and go out and buy boxes. I went to the U-Haul depot and also rented a truck for the actual move. So that I felt was an accomplishment worthy of a treat. I took a quick trip to Marshals and picked up two Bikini's on sale (my new work clothes) and a really nice green cover up dress. Back to work - I went to Target and bought some laundry bags and soft material boxes. I thought these things might be useful storage in my new apartment and actually a much more effective way of packing. I also bought 4 of the Target material shopping bags which I am going to fill with books. I was going to limit myself to 3 bags of books but I'm finding it hard and may take 4. I love reading and some of these books are treasures. Its difficult to weed out books that I wont read again- they have all been such good friends. I also have a lot of books that I've yet to read.
I started packing books this morning - I can hear Hans telling me to knuckle down and get this done and Allie laughing at all of the crap I want to bring!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHA HA HA HA HA HAHA HA! You're bringing THAT?!?!?
