Today was my last day at work. I have to say that I'm still in a bit of a daze about it. Yesterday the office had a wine and snacks celebration for me in the board room. Vince gave a really nice speech - very heart felt and the office gave me a
swiss army dive watch which I love:

Spurling had come into the city for lunch and we had a nice talk in a bar on Stone Street sitting by the big open windows with a nice cool breeze. Don and Chuck:

Barbara and Diane:

Awesome view of the harbor from the board room:

I actually was almost feeling almost drunk because I was so exhausted and emotionally wrung out. So much so that I didn't even cry - which is very unusual for me! After work we went to
Waterstones for a few beers. Don
Messick joined us which was nice.
Then today the claims department took me to the Battery Park Cafe which is a really nice
restaurant down by the water. We ate Pizza - it was a lovely cool sunny day:

After lunch I had my exit interview with Vicki and then the department and other staff who I've been close to over the years gave me more gifts. A cool set of speakers for my i-pod, some scales so that I can monitor my fattiness
disappearing in the Mexican sun and a very thoughtful bottle of
Those who know me know that I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve so the people at
SCB have been through the mill with me during many of the traumas and good times of the last 9.5 years. I know that nothing in life is permanent but in a way I think the way some people touch your life is permanent. I know I'll carry a bit of these people with me wherever I go and I hope to keep in touch with many of them.
OK now I'm crying - finally read all of my cards - feel very lucky to have such lovely friends. And a very good decision on my part not to read these cards in the office - I would definitely have been a mess on the PATH train....
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